1. Here, Read This
    1. This website is all that and a bag of chips!
      1. This page was created by Jimmy Ha. Last updated:
      2. Don’t ever trust dolphins!
    2. I swear, I actually know how to code.
      1. Cool code things on this page:
    3. Here are some awesome thing!
      1. 1997 was the best year ever!
    4. Here’s some good advice I never follow.
      1. Here are 5 rules for life:
      2. Here are 3 rules for Burning Man virgins:
      3. What is having depression like?
        1. Depression can seem like being stuck in a hole in the ground.
        2. How can I help someone with depression?
          1. (Especially if this person doesn’t want help?)
          2. Your goal should be to make sure they are safe.
    5. Untitled Section
    6. Kim’s Fable
    7. Untitled Section