1. Where's Walden?
    1. 21.05.18
      1. PSA: stop using mozilla::PodZero and mozilla::PodArrayZero
        1. The briefest recap of salient parts of the C++ object model
        2. memsetting an object
        3. Problem intensifies
        4. Fixing the problem by not using mozilla::PodZero
        5. mozilla::PodZero and mozilla::PodArrayZero are deprecated
    2. 09.06.17
      1. Not a gluten-free trail
    3. 21.05.17
      1. I’ve stopped hiking the PCT
    4. 15.05.17
      1. Guys! The Mojave Desert is hot and dry. Who knew?
    5. 07.05.17
      1. Back in a bit
    6. Untitled Section
      1. Untitled Section
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        2. Email
        3. Past bloviation
        4. Twittersphere goes whooooo!
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        6. Search
        7. Archives
        8. Meta